Ok, so I just arrived in Melbourne and am knacked, but before I start writing about here I best start from where I left off; my second day in Singapore (my first day was quite uneventful I went shopping and got loads, all of which I could have got at home for cheaper, and i also attempted to take myself out for the night.... i didn't meet anyone and ended up sitting in a road side bar/cafe with a glass of overpriced white wine). Anyways, my second day....
I woke up (obviously) and went and indulged in the free breakfast. I always find breakfasts abroad rather odd, for instance, what greeted me at the buffet was rice and pasta. Now to me they scream to me that they should be consumed at dinner time, or at the earliest lunch not breakfast. I wanted sausages and bacon not pasta. But I spose it would be just as strange for other people to eat English foods for breakfast. Anyway, needless to say i gobbled it all up all regardless and to be honest it was not half bad, in fact i quite enjoyed it.
So after my breakfast i bummed around a bit, by this point i must mention i did in fact have another dorm mate, a grown man, who liked to take his kindle to the toilet for 'me' time. We didn't bond. So i was still by myself, so i decided to take myself on a hop on hop off bus tour.
I was planning to jump on and off the bus (not literally) at several stops but it started raining so i stayed on and only got off at two points. Marina bay and the botanical gardens. Marina bay was particularly bizarre; three hotels with a boat on top connecting them costing $20 to go on it and a shopping centre with some sort of stream/river/pool inside it. I looked around these strange sites and hopped back on, and soon i was at the Botanical gardens. I absolutely LOVED the botanical gardens i grabbed some lunch (i have been finding due to the time different i keep on forgetting to eat so when i remember i am starving) and then literally spent hours wondering around the gardens which were amazing, they even had a min rain forest (fact: Singapore is the only city which had a rain forest in (i think...)) . Some photos from the Botanical gardens are above which i took on my iphone using the instagram app.
I was knackered by the time i got home and just went and bummed around again. I was planning on going to an annual street parade which takes place in Singapore however when i eventually managed to pull myself away from my bed it was way too busy and i was way too tired and hungry (i forgot to eat again) to wait around so i decided to go to the Chinese night market. Now i didn't expect anything amazing but i also didn't expect the SHEER amount of tat which was there. After browsing for about 10mins i decided to write it off as a bad trip but i spied a massage parlour (no not a seedy one an actual one...) and decided to treat myself with a back and neck massage. It was cheap (around £5) and really did loosen my back up HOWEVER it was so agonising, at some point i actually thought i was going to cry.
I also must point out that the hostel i stayed in (the hangout) was amazing, but not a good place for lone travellers due to it housing couples mainly.
The next day I was leaving for Melbourne so couldn't do much so I went shopping AGAIN and got my nails done. The at 5pm I got a shuttle bus and headed for the airport. I arrived super early and kept myself entertained by eating, using the airports make up and perfume (naturally without purchasing any of it) and watching the good wife (they had TVs in the lounge). Soon the time rolled past and i found myself on the plane. This plane, which was the same airline as the last (singapore airlines) was dreadful compared to the one from Heathrow. I am sure the seats were smaller and the chairs reclined a lot more into your own space (at one point i actually had someone sleeping on my lap which was bizarre). The personal TV was dreadful and awful quality and I couldn't sleep (not that that was the airlines fault). I arrived in Melbourne the following morning (today) at 7:20am.
I went through customs pretty quickly with limited problems... and soon found myself on yet another shuttle bus on my way to the new hostel (the Nunnery). This hostel is SO different to the last. Thee really seems to be a sense of community and there are so many people here. I have yet to introduce myself to anyone yet. Something i need to work on sharpish. I just feel like i am bothering people, especially as it was so early. I hope that later the hostel will fill out and i will fine it easier to meet people. I think i am going to chose one person to target and tag along with them until i have met everyone.
Anyways since i have been here i have taken myself out for lunch (again still not getting good at eating on time, there always seems to be an 8hr space between meals and beverages at least... not good in this heat!) Oh yes that reminds me the weather is hot here. It is sunny intervals at the moment but it is due to brighten up for the rest of the week.
And there was me thinking i had escaped jet-lag...
Anyway, peace out
p.s. i am also adding photos to my earlier blog..
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